Writing a Dream

Posts tagged “writing

Rumbling Heart – New Cover Art

I got into the mood to work so here is a decent Photoshop job I did on a new cover for the book. The guitar was black, but I needed it to be red. Now to work on the font!

Close-up of girl with guitar

Heroes and Bad Reviews

Sometimes distractions can lead us away from our goals. Often times I find myself getting tunnel vision when I am writing an idea and that’s not always the best thing. For the stories I am developing, I had a point A to point B plan and that was not the way it should have been. There is more to a great book than who, what, when, where, and why. An explanation can be developed from those, but not a great story. Sometimes stepping away and doing other things can help you reclaim your idea from a narrow vision and assist you in turning a good idea into an magnificent book.

In October, I purposely stepped away from my stories and kept myself from writing. Why? I felt like I was becoming bored with the process. I still had idea I knew were good, but I felt like something was lacking in my writing. I needed to find a way to develop more than just an A to B story. My first book Rumbling Heart was more than an A to B story and it shows in the quality of the development not only of the work, but also the characters and the atmosphere. Sometimes reading a book can help you reevaluate and refocus on what you are trying to do. In my case though, being able to now see things from a different angle is a double-edged sword.

I looked over my work and even over some reviews and bits of feed back I have gotten over my work. The good reviews are always nice, but it is the bad reviews that always stick with you. Why? Just human nature I suppose. Here is a snippet of a negative review RH got and my response to it.

reviewNegative reviews happen. There is no way around it. Being a writer I accept that and I know there will always be people who either do not understand my work or, for whatever reason, want to find reasons to make it seem as if I did a huge disservice to the human race. I did find it interesting that this person thought her review was constructive. You can see my response to her review in the photo as well. Her response was once again nonconstructive. I liken this review to calling someone names because that is essentially what they did. If you feel the need to call me (or my work) “stupid” without offering any reason as to why you felt that way or any way to improve it, the review is completely pointless. Offering no way to improve on something is about as bad as crying because you didn’t get your way. If I were a coach and I told a child they were terrible at football or whatever other sport I was coaching them in, I wouldn’t remain a coach very long. Obviously you cannot really liken coaching to reviewing a book or a movie or whatever else you can give feedback on. Reviewers aren’t coaches. I realize that. But at the same time people who do offer feedback need to understand that the main reason you give feedback, be it positive, negative, or mixed, is so people who develop their ideas can improve and make things better the next time around. What is the point of simply calling people or their work names? Sounds to me like certain individuals either lack the ability to express themselves or they feel the need to tear someone down.

Success also breeds negativity.

I will not say I am very successful. I haven’t sold a ton of books and I haven’t made all kinds of money at this. It was never really about money anyway. I have over the last year and a half gotten hurtful messages and emails from people who see that I was somehow able to hash it out and write a book. Not many people can say they’ve done that. Sure, some people can write a small story, but my first book was 475+ pages. A little long, but anyone has to admit that writing a book of that size takes time and commitment. My followup to my first book is much shorter, but still comes in at about 300 pages. No small feat. Another big story for me which is about 70% complete will probably come in at about 275 pages. Again, not many people in the world can say they can sit down and accomplish such a thing. I am not saying I should automatically get a great review for the effort, but I would hope that people like me…artists…deserve at the very least a review explaining exactly why our work is either good, bad, or mixed.

A good review does not always have to be positive. If you gave me 1 or 2 stars, but explained why this or that was unappealing to you, I could respect that. Not offering any explanation whatsoever makes me think the person is either just looking to be mean or trolling. In a way, they are kind of the same thing.

If you are a reviewer like I am from time to time, do the artist a favor and explain why you think one way or another. In the end, we will thank you for it and so will other readers.



A Series of Events – More from “Dream Catcher”

I’ve purposely slowed progress on In Search of the Dream Catcher. The more I write the more I realize just how important this story is. At first this was supposed to be a relatively simply story of two people from very different walks of life meeting and learning more about each other. Now it has morphed into a story of true survival. The series of events one of the characters has to enduring must be written in a way that is definitely stranger and more intense than fiction. I want this story to really dig into people. I want the story to get people to reflect on just how good their lives are when you look back at yourself from a different angle.

Emma, one of my main characters is not well. She never hides this fact from Casey, my other main character. Still, given fair warning, Casey is unable to predict just how insane Emma’s life is. Casey is from a very positive, somewhat easy walk of life. His parents are still married, he has two older sisters that always looked out for him. He was able to go to college on his own terms. Now he has a pretty good job and makes good money living in his hometown. Emma is the polar opposite. To reveal much about her would sort of spoil the reading of the story so you will just have to imagine what the differences between them are.

As with many of my other stories, there is some romance, but in the writing of this story, it has taken a backseat to the larger social issue. It will still be there, but other ideas have taken precedent. I didn’t want to over romanticize the story too much as I want it to maintain that real life feel that most of my stories hold onto.

I have three possible endings in mind. I was never really one for the super happy ending. I just don’t find it believable. I don’t believe you can get from torn and broken to ultra happy in the span of one book. Or, as the story goes, just a few weeks. I also don’t want the book to be a massive downer. I want it to appeal to the masses…but I refuse to sellout and make a puff piece that people will read and feel and warm and fuzzy. I know where the climax will be, but I’m unsure just how far I want to push this. I do know that the ending, or climax I should say, will leave people with a big “HOLY CRAP!”

My editor is giving me her 2 cents and it’s well appreciated. I think when it’s all said and done I will be especially proud of this work. It’s real, it’s gritty, and it refuses to sellout.

The cat picture? That’s just there to make you go “Oh! Look! Cats!”

Emma und Paul auf der Heizung

Emma und Paul auf der Heizung (Photo credit: thosch66)

In Search of the Dream Catcher – A Working Cover

Sometimes I make covers for stories just so I can have a reason to see them through. I’ve paused working on this story, but with the picture in my head now I have reasons to finish it. I’ve shared the photo before, but here is a blog post explaining how I made it and why I used certain elements.

A lot of us write in blogs or diaries or have similar ways of expressing ourselves. I have several ways. This is just one of them. Making covers can be a distraction for me which I sometimes need. When I’m in a terrible mood or look to give myself some work, I make covers. Often times they turn out terrible, but sometimes they look nice enough to share and even to use. I used the pages of several old writings I did when I was in high school. I purposely took the photo in low light to give it an aged effect. I then ran it through photoshop to give the writing an embossed look. I wanted the writing to appear very thick. I wanted it to jump out and grab the attention of the viewer while still looking somewhat unreadable. I wanted the lines on the paper to still appear so it gave it look of normality; like this was something anyone could do at anytime if they wanted. What’s written on the pages? Well, some of the words you can still clearly see while other parts seem like nothing more than jumbled lines. There are also no names or titles which gives a feeling of anonymity.

When I am done working on another project, I will surely get back to this one. I don’t plan on it being extremely long…maybe 275 pages or so. Compared to some of my other works, that’s fairly short.

In Search of the Dream Catcher working cover

Recorded Butterflies – Cover Reveal

Here it is. Simple, nothing splashy. Just the way I like it. Can you find the butterfly? You will probably miss it the first time.

Frost Arch – A Short Review

Here is a review for Frost Arch by Kate Bloomfield that I did for Amazon.com.

I read over the reviews from others and I feel they are over analyzing the story. As a writer and editor (Yes, I actually went to college for this), I did find the editing lacking in many areas, but once I got into the story (which is what really matters) I found the concept intriguing and actually was a little upset that the author did not dive into the treatment of humans more. True, some of the decisions the main character made were reactionary and sort of unbelievable at times, but that’s the point of writing a story. If I wanted a story where the character did everything I wanted them to do, I’d write my own and read it over and over again. After the first few chapters, I simply forgave the grammatical blunders and focused on the story at hand so I could enjoy it. I don’t read books to find reasons to hate them. I read books to enjoy a story and a story was what I got. I think the author will take a lot from our reviews (the helpful ones, anyway) and improve on her craft. The lack of romance did not disappoint me as the concept kept me reading. I went into the book with an open mind and I was glad I picked it up. I read a book a day (really) and this one kept me interested till the end. I forgave the few lulls it had and kept on pushing through to the parts that excited me. I didn’t expect perfection. I just expected to be entertained.
I am honestly looking forward to her next work and yes, I would pay $2.99 for it. I actually frown upon those that sell their complete novels for only $.99, but that’s best saved for another time.

Popular Search Terms #5

Here we are again. Some changes have filtered through so let’s see what we’ve got.

rumbling heart novel


ruby jones website



It seems Ruby still has a stalker. The best thing he can do is buy her book and read it. It’s not half bad either. So to Ruby’s stalker, go buy her book. If you’ve already done that, get your friends to buy it.

Is It Wrong of Me?

I know the first thing people are going to think. No, I am not bitter. I enjoy other people’s success. When people become successful, I am genuinely happy for them. That being said, I do find it ironic that people who don’t put as much hard work and dedication into their writing are somehow making it.


I am reading a book which will remain nameless as I don’t want this to come across as lashing out at this person. I do not know them personally so this is not a personal attack. Their book is doing very well, hanging around in the Amazon top 100. I pick it up and start reading it and think it’s not so bad…except for the editing. I am in no way taking away from the story as it seems decent and is keeping me interested, yet the editing is almost non existent. Virtually every single page has errors on it. I am not making this up. Pick a page and there will be an error on it. Quotations are incorrectly used throughout, periods are in the wrong places, ellipses are used and spaced incorrectly…yet it’s top 100.


Maybe I am being just a bitter pill. I work for almost 2 years on a book and go line by line, making sure it’s virtually error free, yet a book that would be rejected by a college English teacher is making it. Like I said, her story isn’t bad. Of course I would think mine is better, but it just pains me to see that more of us indie writers are still carrying this black eye because of terrible editing like this making it out there. The saddest part is I doubt anyone except writers and editors are even really noticing or caring. Call me old fashion, but if you are going to write a book, at least make sure you edit the hell out of it. A few mistakes are fine, but every page?

Proofs Are In

I am sitting here holding my book and thinking the white paper over creme was a good choice. I like the way the cover came out. I didn’t want it to look overly polished. I wanted to give it an older, sort of used look. I’m not sure people will understand that though so I am considering updating the cover slightly.

Stifled by Meds

I knew these meds were having a negative affect  on me when I started them. Sure they help with some things, but my creativity is sapped. I tried writing last night for the first time in a long time and it fell flat. I only got through about 400 words before I felt the urge to stop what I was doing. I know that’s partially why I haven’t been writing. With the meds, it’s like my mind can’t piece together certain aspects that used to come so easy for me. Edit on the other hand isn’t so bad. Editing can be a pain, but with the meds I can sit there and proofread and make corrections for hours. I used to be able to do that before as well, but I needed breaks. Now I just work and work and work.

A few months back I wrote on here about how hard life can be when you are forced to relearn things. I guess I am still doing that. Small things like tying my shoes and getting dressed came a little easier. Situations where I need to really concentrate though are difficult. The stories just don’t flow out of me the way they used to. I used to be able to write 10k-16k words in a day and now that seems like a fairy tale. To write only 400 words is pretty much an all time low for me unless I were writing poetry. Even now as I write this I find it difficult to tie my ideas together. My mind may be clear from the background noise and voices that used to accompany me every day, but maybe that’s how my life was supposed to be. Maybe I was supposed to hear that voice that those in the medical community call Schizophrenia. I’ve read where some of the greatest artists of their time heard voices.

I know I won’t get any support on this, but I am considering discontinuing my meds.

St. Augustine writing, revising, and re-writin...

St. Augustine writing, revising, and re-writing: Sandro Botticelli’s St. Augustine in His Cell (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Up at 5am

I have no idea why I am up at this hour. I was considering writing a short story, but I abandoned the idea after I started feeling tired. Still can’t sleep though. Medication may have to work a little harder tonight.

It’s Live

Rumbling Heart is now live on three major book outlets. Go pick it up if you like! I am sure you all will enjoy it!


Not much longer till the release of Rumbling Heart. I am getting nervous. I am trying to keep myself from going through it for the 36th time. I keep telling myself the book is ready and there isn’t anything that needs to be done with it. I can only fight this urge so long till I know I open it up and read through it one more time.

12 days.


May 29th, 2012

Take a deep breath…

Three Chapters in One Day

I guess the meds are tapering off and my OCD is going insane because yesterday I edited for over 12 hours non stop. I guess it’s a good thing because I’m in the heart of the book right now and I am really having to pick at words and sentences. I’ve taken out another 2k words which is good and lost 2 more pages. I still have a way to go, but things are looking better already. I’m about 60% through all the work and then…I get to do it all over again when I proof it via the Kindle and Adobe Reader. I knew this first gutting would be hard so the next time around will me minor snips here and there. Seems I am pretty close to reaching my less than 200k word target and fewer than 475 pages. The next few chapters should be easy to shorten as I’m sure there is some fluff I can just cut right out. Enough of the blog for the day because it’s time to edit.

Free Today – “Last Night”

That’s right. Today my short storyLast Night” is free on Amazon. It’s a fast read so feel free to pick up your copy today before it goes back to it’s regular price! Did I mention I love reviews? Well, I do. Literary reviews are always welcome so feel free to post those to Amazon after you give it a read. Thanks again for your support.

Movie Poster

I made a movie poster which you can see below. I added a release date…sort of. I purposely did it so I can make myself work on it. I figured if I put a release date it will light a fire under me and kinda of force me to work on it, even on days when I don’t really feel like I want to. The interesting thing about it is that i carries an appropriate rating. Enjoy.

Lots of Edits

Ruby’s project is moving along nicely. I would say about 80% done with her stuff, but even then it gets one more look to be sure.

My stuff is still getting rewritten and editing like mad. I’ve dropped about 4500 words out of it overall which is not bad, but it needs more. My goal is 25k words at the very least. I’m not sure if I will hit it though as I am already in chapter 7 of 28. Who knows, I might make it. If I don’t, it’s not a huge deal. I just want the book to be shorter so people aren’t overwhelmed by it. 500 pages is a lot to ask people to read. 60 years ago that wasn’t a huge deal, but people have changed. Either way, it’s no longer 513 pages as it was. Now it’s closer to 500 and dropping so if I can get it to 450 that would be great.

In case you missed them, here are the two covers I did in the last couple of weeks. The first is for Ruby’s book and the second is for mine. Hope you like them.

Clip Clip

Just a quick note.

Slowly but surely version 2.0 of Rumbling Heart is getting smaller and although last night saw it only shrink by 37 words, today should hopefully see it go down by at least another thousand words. As I’ve said before I hope to clip a good 20-30k words from it altogether. If I can get it down to 475 pages, I would really find that to be a major achievement. Anything less would be even better. Well, I am back to work on it, but not before I leave you with a copy of something I work up last night. Not sure if I will use it, but it maybe the cover for version 2.0

Last Night is Free on Amazon…Really!

That’s right. It’s really free. Help get Last Night to #1 by telling everyone you know about it and downloading it. You don’t even need a Kindle reader to do it. You can use the Kindle computer reader or even the cloud reader. Just download! Download! Download!. Unfortunately, each account can only download it one time each so please do what you can to spread the word.

When I mean free, I don’t mean free after some dumb rebate or anything like that . I mean free as in completely 100% free. No delivery costs, no extra stuff to do. Just go to Amazon, look up the book, click order, you will see where it says FREE and then just like that it will give you the option of where to have it sent. Again, you can have it sent to a Kindle device, the cloud reader, or the kindle for computer reader. Heck, there are even Apps for devices like iPads, iPhones, and Androids out there as well.

It’s not a very long read either. It’s all of 17 pages so it’s short and sweet. I’ve gotten great reviews from scholars and a couple of hate reviews from trolls so you know it’s good stuff. For a shortcut to book, you can click here. Once you read it, make sure you got back and give it a review if you have time or at least a big “Thumbs up!” so people will be encouraged to check it out! You can also visit the Facebook event by clicking here.

Thank you all for your continued support of my work and once the Rumbling Heart Series is ready to come back, I will work on trying to get those free on Amazon as well.

Cover for Last Night

Cover of Last Night

Last Night is Free via Amazon Prime Lending

I’ve decided to give Amazon Prime lending a try to see how it all works out. So far in just one day, I’ve already got sales which is nice. The Prime lending, in case you are not familiar with it, basically means you can “borrow” a book from Amazon with no due date. They have a program where members pay a set amount to be a prime member which is about $78 a year and you get all sorts of benefits. Honestly, I’m not too into that sort of thing, but I know some people are doing it and if you happen to be one of those people, feel free to have as look at Last Night. If not, no worries. It’s still just $.99 so not like it’s a massive amount of money to check out what I consider to be one of the best things I’ve ever written.

You can check out the book on Amazon here.

Slash and Burn

To slash 2 thousand words in a single stroke is pretty harsh, but when you are gutting out a bad angle from a good story, it has to be done. I am in the process right now. There will be some filler to write, but I don’t mind doing it because the story in the end will be much better. It simply wasn’t seeded in reality so when it grew as big as it did, it looked good, but not as beautiful as it could truly be so something had to be reworked. I knew exactly what the issue was and as has always been my motto, less is more. In this case, I am cutting an angle that was over complicated and required far too much explaining and the reader was getting lost by it. The rest of the story is terrific and the characters got enough development. It will also require me to look over a few other works but that is alright. In fact, it will give me a little more to add to the work that comes right after this one which is small by my standards anyway.

This one at it’s last stopping point was a massive 222k words. Yes, a monster. I have slashed out a lot and already it’s below 220k,  closer to 219k. May not seem like a lot, but I am only on chapter 3 of 28 chapters. I am thinking I may be able to get it to as little as 180k words which would be terrific. I just don’t want anything to feel rushed. If i have to leave it bigger, then I will. However, if in the end I can say I slashed 42k words and the book turned out amazing, that’s a major accomplishment.

Back to the pit.

the pit of fire

Products of Failure

Failure is not always a bad thing.

Sometimes you fail so terribly that no one even realizes you were there in the first place so you can withdraw completely and reintroduce yourself as something completely new if you want. I am considering doing just that. I have withdrawn my work from all websites and am currently reworking it into something I feel is better. I am leaving out my short works, but all my major work is getting redone. In some cases, it is getting reworked for length and reedited for content. I already know what I am taking out and what few things I am putting in. It will streamline many things so I feel that the work will still send out the same message i wanted to send upon its original release, but will be much more plausible and people will connect with it better.

I am not making massive changes, but a few semi major changes will be made. Characters will remain the same, but certain events will get overhauls. They need it. Certain parts do not need certain details while others need a little more. Sometimes it’s better to let the reader fill in the blanks for themselves.

Many of you do not know I have been ill for…well…for some time now. I am trying my best to deal with that while still keeping focused on work. In fact, I think it’s best that I do work while trying to deal with my illness. I need something to distract me while I go through my therapy.

And with that, I am off to do some big time editing.

A Moment in the Sun

Here’s a link to a post from my other blog. Enjoy.
